Topics in Instructional Design

Here are some suggestions for a topic for the Student Outreach article-writing competition. You may email if you want to have another topic pre-approved, or if you have any other questions about the competition.
- Task analysis
- Needs assessment
- Gathering or analyzing prerequisite knowledge
- Developing a learner profile
- Adult learning theories
- Learning styles
- Cultural considerations in the development of training
- Learning environments
- Identifying prerequisites
- Determining skill hierarchies
- Performance analysis (i.e., high-level analysis of the need for training)
- Blended learning
- Facilitating vs teaching
- Evaluating the effectiveness and impact of instruction
- Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation Model
- Principles of writing objectives
- Principles of writing assessments
- Performance objectives
- Instructional methods
- Assessment methods
- Best practices in designing instructional material
- Ensuring the transfer of learning
- Engaging the reluctant learner
- Holistic vs. atomistic design of learning
- Writing use-level assessments
- Providing feedback to questions in e-learning
- Designing exploratory learning
- Instructional Management Systems
The Profession of ID
- ID as an emerging profession
- ID as a science
- ID as a discipline
- ID as an art form
- ID as a process
- Best practices for developing job aids
- Instructional strategies
- Developing simulations as training tools
- Effectiveness of simulations in training
- Use of simulations in medical training
- Storyboarding
- David Merrill’s content performance matrix
- Gagne’s outcomes of instruction
- Cultural considerations in the development of training
- Using games in ID
- Social media and ID
- Developing instructor-led training
- Use of media in e-learning
- Visual design of e-learning pieces
- Pros and cons of certification testing
- Rapid ID/Rapid Prototyping
- Blended learning
Theories and Models
- ARCS model of ID
- Competency models
- Bloom’s Taxonomy
- Gagne’s nine events of instruction
- David Merrill’s content performance matrix
- Gagne’s outcomes of instruction
- Adult learning theories
- Models of ID
- Distributed learning
- Flipped Classroom