Just added: Links to news articles by members

We just added a new page to our website to help members become published!

STC offers an opportunity for members to publish news articles and other content on our award winning websites. We want to highlight these articles by providing quick links to the content. The new page contains a link to Kim Lindsey’s article posted on the STC NEO website.

Do you have content to share? Contact our SIG managers Robert Hershenow manager@stcidlsig.org or Mellissa Ruryk asstmanager@stcidlsig.org. We have opportunities on our website and in our award winning newsletter, IDeaL: Design for Learning.

See a list of Instructional Design and Learning related news articles on our News articles by members page.

Visit our newsletter page for more great IDL content.

Join or Renew STC & the IDL SIG

Give yourself a year-end gift by renewing your STC and IDL SIG membership today. You must be a member of STC before you can join the Instructional Design and Learning SIG. For an extra $10, it’s worth it. Here are ten benefits:

  1. Website: Bookmark the IDL SIG website as one of your Favorites.
  2. LinkedIn Group: You must have a LinkedIn account and be a SIG member to join the group at http://linkd.in/obhOD2.
  3. Online Evaluations: Apply at Training Material Evaluations on the IDL SIG website. A group of experienced panelists will evaluate your instructional design and training materials and provide informative feedback. Free to members.
  4. Twitter: Follow us (stc_idl_sig) for timely tweets.
  5. Webinars: Read about and sign up for webinars by clicking the SIG EVENTS tab of the IDL SIG website. Members pay a nominal rate for any IDL-SIG sponsored webinar.
  6. Surveys: Read about the survey results at http://bit.ly/rjGyij. The survey questionnaires are available to members only!
  7. Newsletter: Everyone can read about the latest trends in instructional design and learning at http://www.stcidlsig.org/newsletter.  Why not write an article sharing your expertise? Contact Robert Hershenow at newsletter@stcidlsig.org.
  8. Events: Join us at the STC conference, and get to know us at the SIG business meeting and the Community Reception. We also gather for informal meetings during the conference.
  9. IDL SIG Discussion List: Our discussion list is a great resource for posting questions and sharing instructional design and learning experiences. Go to http://mailer.stc.org/mailman/listinfo/idl-discuss to join. Once you have submitted your request, be sure reply to the email to confirm your subscription. Then, you can send messages to the list at stcidlsig-l@mailman.stc.org.
  10. IDL SIG Announcement List: This is the SIGʼs communication line to you, and important announcements are made about surveys, election ballots, conference details, newsletter availability, and other SIG business. Announcements are sent on an average of two or three per month to all IDL SIG members.

Join or renew today and start to take advantage of all your benefits!