Where to find your IDL SIG colleagues at the #STC16 Summit (pdf)
Hello, I am happy to communicate with you ahead of the STC 2016 Summit next month, where I hope Robert Hershenow and I can meet you in person (if we haven’t before). We are the co-managers of the Instructional Design and Learning SIG, and sometimes it’s lonely volunteering for a virtual community such as the SIG. We do have this one opportunity each year to meet our members and we really look forward to it.
Attend our IDL SIG Business Breakfast on Wednesday, May 18th at 7 am Pacific in the Marquis Ballroom of the Anaheim Marriott. Join us for breakfast and an entertaining, informative State-of-the-SIG discussion! Open to all IDL SIG members. Wear your Disney swag to be eligible for door prizes.
Here is a quick overview of where you can find us, how you will recognize us, and ways to network with us – and each other, of course.
You know, if you haven’t registered for the Summit yet… there is still time. They are taking registrations up until May 15th. Register at summit.stc.org right now: it’s not too late!
Thank you.
Mellissa Ruryk
IDL SIG co-manager
PS: If you are a student IDL SIG member and you are participating in any of the Student activities or volunteering at the Summit, please send me an email at manager@stcidlsig.org.