Congratulations to our new STC Instructional Design and Learning SIG Assistant Co-Managers, Viqui Dill and Lori Meyer!
Here are the election results:
34 IDL SIG members took part in the elections – about 5% of our member base.
Viqui Dill
For: 97.06% (33 votes)
Against: 2.94% (1 vote)
34 votes total
Lori Meyer
For: 96.97% (32 votes)
Against: 3.03% (1 vote)
Skipped: 1
33 votes total
In 2017, Viqui and Lori will transition in as co-managers of the SIG. Thanks to all who voted.
Robert Hershenow and Mellissa Ruryk
Co-Managers, IDL SIG