IDL SIG Receives Bronze Community Award

We are excited that we have received the Bronze Community Award for our community’s activities in 2020. The citation on the certificate reads:

For your impressive educational programming for your SIG and at the STC Summit, creative inclusion of students through your competition, and effective communication via your social media outlets and newsletter.

On Wednesday, 19 May, from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. EDT., our community will be recognized during the 2021 STC Summit Leadership Program.

IDL SIG members can attend the virtual STC Summit Honors Event on Tuesday, 8 June, from noon to 1:00 p.m. EDT, where the Community of the Year and Most Improved Community will be announced. You can view the details for the 2021 STC Summit here.

STC IDL SIG Student Outreach Article-Writing Competition

The STC’s Instructional Design & Learning Special Interest Group (SIG) is pleased and proud to announce that the judges in the Student Outreach article-writing competition selected 2 articles for publication in this quarter’s issue of IDeaL: Design for Learning, the SIG’s award-winning newsletter. Both articles are very readable and informative.

Here are the two winners, with links to their articles:

Kylie is a Virginia Tech junior studying professional and technical writing and biology. Currently, she works as a research assistant for a study focused on the role of service-learning in creating user documentation. After graduation, Kylie plans to pursue a master’s degree in public health and write within the medical industry. Her article,  The Importance of Needs Assessments in Global Technical Communication, relates the story of a project targeting young women in Nepal. She outlines how she assessed the needs of her target audience for a user documentation prototype.

Catherine is completing her Master’s in Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning at Boise State University, where she earned her Workplace Instructional Design e-Learning Certification. She holds an ATD Certified Professional in Learning and Performance. Catherine graduated from Northeastern University with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. She worked in various adult workplace learning roles for over 25 years, including IT, Project Management and Human Resources.

Her article, ID Lessons from TV’s Greatest Teachers, is about the original distance educators—from Reading Rainbow, the Joy of Painting, and Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood. She draws excellent strategies from her examples and presents tips for incorporating their successful techniques into your lesson planning.

Catherine will be presenting an IDL webinar on 4 TV personalities on Thursday, May 27. Follow STCIDLSIG on Facebook to learn more about our educational opportunities, which are always free for students. This event will be posted on Eventbrite once details are complete.

About the Student Outreach Article-Writing Competition

The IDL SIG invites undergraduate- and graduate-level students to submit an article related to instructional design for publication in our quarterly newsletter, IDeaL: Design for Learning. To learn more, click here.

Lori Meyer Receives Distinguished SIG Service Award

We are proud to announce that Lori Meyer has received the STC Distinguished SIG Service Award (DSSA). The DSSA, Distinguished Chapter Service Awards (DCSA), and Distinguished Community Service for Students Awards (DCSSA) are given annually by STC to members who have offered extensive service and exemplary commitment to their communities. Each community nominates one or more of its members for an award. The nominations are submitted to STC and evaluated, and nominee recommendations are presented to the STC board of directors for approval.

Lori is the ultimate volunteer.  In her breakout role for the IDL SIG, she volunteered as secretary. Et voilà! A few short years later, she stepped up as SIG co-manager. Whatever the role, she has endeared herself to us all through her charming ways, thoughtful leadership, and love of cats!

Lori is an innovator. She developed a Planning Guide that provides SIG Communities’ leadership with a strategy to meet yearly Community Achievement Award (CAA) requirements. Additionally, she created an internal award program for volunteers who may not meet all criteria for a DSSA (or who may already hold a DSSA), but deserve recognition for their volunteering spirit within the community.

Lori continues to support the SIG through her position as membership manager. And while Lori volunteers for many positions in chapters and SIGs throughout the STC community, we are glad she chose us.

Lori’s citation reads:

For your dedication to the Instructional Design and Learning SIG, your unfailing commitment to leadership, and for displaying compassion and wisdom, in calm and troubled circumstances.

Congratulations, Lori!