Where to find your IDL SIG colleagues at the Summit (#STC15)

Update: See photos of us in the IDL SIG at #STC15 post.

Also see 2015 Business Meeting Presentation slides.

Read Where to find your IDL SIG colleagues at the 2015 Summit as a pdf.

Here is a quick overview of where you can find us, how you will recognize us, and ways to network with us – and each other, of course. http://lanyrd.com/2015/stc15/

Registration Opens

9:00 AM–8:00 PM
Regency Ballroom Foyer, 3rd Floor

IDL-Sticker-2010First and foremost – when you pick up your packages at the Registration desk, look for the IDL SIG lightbulb stickers near the self-serve ribbons that you can attach to your name tag. Put a sticker in a prominent place on your name tag and then keep an eye out for your fellow members with the same sticker.

In the Programs’ order, here is where you can find your fellow SIG members or one of the leadership team:

Leadership Program

Sunday, 21 June, from 8 AM to noon (free)
Hayes, 1st Floor

The program offers an opportunity for STC community members to get together for sharing and learning, and it won’t be the same without YOU. There are a number of reasons you’ll want to attend the Leadership Program.


The Leadership Program agenda has time set aside for one-on-one networking and ice-breaker activities. During the breakout sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to chat with your group about their superpowers and kryptonite. Come armed with a pile of business cards and swap contact information with the crew.


At the Leadership Program, you’ll pick up a pile of handouts and collect an assortment of Web links. Each of the presenters at the breakout sessions will bring their supporting material to share with attendees. The Community Affairs Committee (CAC) will give you a tour of our online resources, webinars, email lists, outreach team, and Body of Knowledge. Leave room in your suitcase for resources and swag.


Hearing your fellow professionals talk about the great things happening in their communities will inspire and energize you. You’ll be surrounded by some of the brightest and best innovators in the #TechComm profession. As we announce award winners, you’ll catch some of the excitement and pride of a job well done. Come out and celebrate the accomplishments of a great 2014-2015 with us as we gear up for more success in 2016.

Welcome Reception

Sunday, 21 June
7:00–8:30 PM Battelle South, 3rd Floor
Expo Hall Open

Education sessions

Watch for these IDL members who are presenting today:

  • BPMN Basics: What You Need to Know for Your Content Strategy Monday, 22 June at 3:45-4:30 PM Jackie Damrau http://lanyrd.com/sdhdkz

Speed Networking

Monday 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM Exhibit hall (Battelle South)
(Pre-registration is required)

This is event is open to Summit registrants and will be a great opportunity to meet other attendees early in the Summit program.

STC’s Annual Business Meeting

Monday 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Regency Ballroom, 3rd Floor

Watch Bernard Aschwanden become the newest President. Hear the plans for the coming year and see governance in action.

Take me out to the Ballgame!

Monday 7:00 PM (offsite)
(Pre-registration and payment required)

SIG Business Meeting

Tuesday 7:00 AM,
Regency Ballroom

Anyone staying at the Hyatt Columbus will receive a voucher for a continental breakfast. Bring your voucher down to the Regency Ballroom and join us for a breakfast meeting where we will fill you in on our plans for the upcoming year. This is also where we hold nominations for the elected positions of Secretary, Treasurer, and Co-Managers.(We have current volunteers in these positions but are looking for assistants who would step into the full role in January 2017.)You’ll know our table by the fact that we will be wearing our best Teddy Bear pajamas: I double dog dare you to wear yours too! We will also have a lightbulb and our new banner to make it easier to locate the right table. It’s pretty early in the morning after the baseball game Monday night, so we won’t be surprised by some bleary-eyed attendees. But come! We’re going to have a nice surprise for you.

Education sessions


Watch for these IDL members who are presenting today:

  • Personalized Dynamic Content Tuesday, 23 June at 1:00-1:45 PM John Daigle
  • Saying Thank You. Saying I’m Sorry. When TechComm Goes All Wrong Tuesday, 23 June at 3:45 PM (Lightning Talk) Viqui Dill http://lanyrd.com/sdkprd
  • Hypergraphics for Visual-First Help: SVG, CSS, JavaScript Tuesday, 23 June at 3:45-4:30 PM David Gardiner http://lanyrd.com/sdhdmb

Communities Reception

Tuesday 11:00 AM–12:30 PM Exhibit hall (Battelle South)

This is the event where the SIGs have tables, and when we can meet attendees and encourage them to become a part of our SIG. But it’s also a great time to come and meet Robert and me, and other volunteers who will be hanging out at our community table. You’ll know you’re in the right place when you see the lightbulb on the table, and our brand new banner. This year, we also have a laminated map of where all the IDL members are located, world-wide: come and see if you can find yourself on the map!The Community of the Year and Most Improved Community are announced at the Communities Reception.

IDL Progression

Tuesday at 1:00 PM
Regency Ballroom, 3rd Floor

David Dick, Viqui Dill, Robert Hershenow, and Kim Lindsey

Honors Reception

Tuesday 5:00–7:00 PM
Regency Ballroom, 3rd Floor

The former Honors banquet has been reimagined in to a livelier reception format, scheduled to start after the education sessions end on Tuesday. The Honors Reception will feature appetizer stations and will celebrate this year’s honorees, including Fellows, Associate Fellows, Jay Gould, Ken Rainey, and Frank Smith awards. Join your STC colleagues in networking with and congratulating these individuals.

Honors After-Party

Tuesday 8:00 PM
Denmark on High – North Room (off-site)
For those with stamina…

Education sessions

Watch for these IDL members who are presenting today:

  • Appreciative Inquiry and the Art of Interviewing Wednesday, 24 June at 8:30-9:15 AM Kit Brown-Hoekstra http://lanyrd.com/sdhdth

The Training & Research Track

The Future of Technical Communication Programs: Data Points from the Field
Tuesday, 23 June at 8:30–9:15 AM
Lisa Meloncon

Professional Certification Info Session for Aspiring CPTCs
Tuesday, 23 June at 9:45–10:30 AM
Craig Baehr, Ronn Faigen, Chris Lyons, and Liz Pohland

(Mis)Communicating with Electronic Media
Tuesday, 23 June at 2:15–3:00 PM
Carolyn Boiarsky

Moving Into Instructional Design—Basics for Technical Writers
Tuesday, 23 June at 3:45–4:30 PM
Stephen Van Esch

Online Education: Where Benefits Outweigh the Challenges
Wednesday, 24 June at 8:30–9:15 AM
Linda Oestreich

Technical Editing: Today’s Competencies for Tomorrow’s Editors
Wednesday, 24 June at 9:45–10:30 AM
Susan Lang and Laura Palmer


You know, if you haven’t registered for the Summit yet… there is still time. They are taking registrations up until June 15. Register at summit.stc.org right now: it’s not too late!

PS: Although she is not presenting this year, IDL SIG member Jamie Gillenwater is the Track Manager for both the Leadership and Management, and Consulting & Small Business Management Tracks. Thanks for your hard work, Jamie!

PPS: If you are a student IDL SIG member and you are participating in any of the Student activities or volunteering at the Summit, please send me an email at manager@stcidlsig.org.

Just added: Links to news articles by members

We just added a new page to our website to help members become published!

STC offers an opportunity for members to publish news articles and other content on our award winning websites. We want to highlight these articles by providing quick links to the content. The new page contains a link to Kim Lindsey’s article posted on the STC NEO website.

Do you have content to share? Contact our SIG managers Robert Hershenow manager@stcidlsig.org or Mellissa Ruryk asstmanager@stcidlsig.org. We have opportunities on our website and in our award winning newsletter, IDeaL: Design for Learning.

See a list of Instructional Design and Learning related news articles on our News articles by members page.

Visit our newsletter page for more great IDL content.

05/21/2015 “Using Scenarios to Help People Learn” webinar by Kim Lindsey

Sign up today and join the STC IDL SIG for “Using Scenarios to Help People Learn” by Kim Lindsey on May 21st, 2015.

10:30 am Pacific / 11:30 am Mountain / 12:30 pm Central / 1:30 pm Eastern

Register on Eventbrite.   eventbrite-142

About the webinar

These days, there’s a lot of emphasis on using “scenarios” in training and development – even technical training. Is it all just hype? or can scenarios really make a difference?

Join STC IDL SIG Member Kim Lindsey for an introduction to this training format. Together, we’ll answer questions like:

  • How long do scenarios have to be?
  • When are scenarios appropriate, and are there times when they are not appropriate?
  • Are scenarios just for e-learning?
  • Do you have to use video? audio? special software tools?
  • Can scenarios be used in technical training?
  • What is a “branching scenario”?
  • What are some formats for writing drafts of scenario-based training?

We’ll also collaborate to transform some instructional text into a scenario-based design, so you can see how it’s done.

You’ll leave with fresh ideas that can enhance your projects and give you a creative edge.

About the presenter

KimLindsey_scenariosKim Lindsey is the eLearning & Instructional Design Manager at Cinécraft Productions Inc. in Cleveland Ohio. She is a Senior Member of STC and has held numerous offices in the Northeast Ohio STC chapter, including President; she is currently the chapter’s Webmaster. Kim has completed several certificate courses on scenario-based design from industry experts and enthusiastically shares how she has applied what she learned in real world projects.

Register on Eventbrite.   eventbrite-142

IDL-SIG needs a Website Administrator

wplogoblue-stacked-rgbDo you know anyone looking for a term project for their web design course? A newbie web programmer who needs experience for her professional portfolio? Some web dweeb who’s especially altruistic and needs to rack up some volunteer hours for his community service sentence? Or perhaps you fit one of those descriptions?

IDL-SIG needs a Website Administrator

IDL-SIG’s website has recently been transferred to the new STC domain. We are looking for a volunteer to help us maintain the website by keeping the contents current and if time permits, enhance it with some bells and whistles.

If you are proficient with WordPress and know a thing or two about websites, we would be very grateful for your help. This job should not take you more than a couple of hours a week and is sure to add a shining star to your resume and LinkedIn page. Students, this is a great opportunity to build up your portfolio!


Interested? Contact Preeti Mathur or IDL Co-Managers Robert Hershenow or Mellissa Ruryk.