By: Lori Meyer, outgoing co-manager
Where did the time go? At the beginning of 2016, Viqui Dill and I started our terms as assistant co-managers of our SIG, became co-managers in 2017, and have had the honor of leading our SIG for the past two years. Now, it’s time to step down, and as my term ends, I want to give my thanks to the incredible leadership team we’ve worked with.
Mellissa Ruryk, you were the first volunteer to welcome me to the SIG leadership team in 2014, when I stepped into the role of SIG secretary. Your support of me has never diminished. As the creator of our first SIG manager handbook, you have left a valuable guide for future SIG leaders.
Jamye Sagan, you’ve been a role model of taking on multiple roles. You have excelled in everything you have done for the SIG, and your love of cats has brought me much joy. As the inspiration behind the creation of our virtual open houses, you helped us provide a creative and fun way to introduce ourselves to the techcomm community and encourage membership and involvement in our SIG.
Robert Hershenow, you supported me through my leadership journey both in our SIG and in the East Bay Chapter. Your impressive skills with graphics and your excellent work on our newsletter provided a strong foundation on which we are continuing to provide this valuable communication resource.
James Bousquet, your impeccable organization as our former treasurer provided an inspiring model of efficient leadership combined with a friendly and open communication style that makes our SIG the special place that it is.
Beth Bailey, your pristine management of our mailing lists has contributed greatly to our ability to communicate with each other efficiency, and has provided a great example of quiet leadership and engagement.
Sylvia Miller, you have demonstrated that you really care about our students. Thank you for leading our successful initiative to provide them with opportunities to have their work published and recognized.
Preeti Mathur, your solid expertise in instructional design has benefited our SIG over the years and has enabled us to offer a training evaluation program for which we were recognized by the STC.
Sara Buchanan, your attention to our members has helped us assure that each new member was welcomed, and your detailed reports made sure that we always knew our membership growth patterns.
Scott McCoy, you have guided our mentoring program for the last several years, enabling us to continue this valuable educational resource.
Marcia Shannon, you hit the ground running, first as our SIG secretary and now as our incoming co-manager. It has been a joy to see you move forward on a leadership path fueled by a sincere desire to serve. We look forward to your leadership in 2019!
Crista Mohammed, you led the re-emergence of our SIG newsletter, IDeal, and never wavered in your effort to provide the best quality content to our readers.
Kelly Smith, as Crista’s successor, your excellent work is enabling us to continue providing a quarterly online newsletter that informs and teaches.
Cindy Pao, you were a co-manager when I began my volunteer journey with the SIG. Your unstoppable enthusiasm, focus on service, and ongoing desire to learn and grow reminded me that the IDL SIG was a very special community.
Maralee Sautter, your many volunteer activities over the years have helped make our SIG a strong community. Your work as our webmaster this year has made it possible for us to provide an online communication channel that keeps our members current and educates the wider techcomm community about the value we add.
Madison Estabrook, thanks so much for joining the leadership team as our secretary in 2019. We look forward to working with you!
And finally….
Viqui, being your fellow volunteer in two STC communities has been a blessing, but I feel especially fortunate to have been your co-manager over the last two years. Your technical skills, multiple talents, enthusiasm, and genuine spirit of giving have inspired and strengthened us all. You always went above and beyond, taking on the program manager role in addition to being a co-manager. Because of your work, we have had an outstanding lineup of webinar presenters. Thank you for being a leader, teacher, and friend to all.
With sincere gratitude all of you,