Hey IDL friends – Your buddies in the STC IDL SIG have been pulling together several exciting events for June. We hope you can join us. Many events are open to all, even if you’re not going to the Summit, even if you’re not a SIG member, and even if you’re not a member of STC. Here we go:
Social Event on Monday, June 7 at 7pm EDT
Summit Honors on Tuesday, June 8 at 1 pm EDT
We will send out more information about the Honors Event. Watch your inbox and this website for updates.
Open House on Wednesday, June 9 at 12:45 pm EDT
Join the IDL SIG during the Open House. You don’t need to be registered for the Summit! Drop by and say hi to our volunteers and enter to win a door prize to be drawn at the AGM! Mark your calendars and join using the Zoom link https://zoom.us/j/95239076337?pwd=Wi9RTWdwbkEyYllHUllJWTVQaENiQT09. *
* This link is tentative, so be sure to check the IDL SIG website for an update post if it changes
Check out our list of IDL SIG Members to Present at STC Summit, June 7-9, 2021 while you’re at it!