IDL Progression – Urgent Call for Proposals

Hello IDL SIG Members,

Yesterday we received exciting news: our IDL Progression proposed for the 2016 STC Summit has been approved!

Now we need proposals from our members to fill four session slots within that progression. The timeline is very short – we must submit our lineup early next week.


Please respond ASAP by email to with as much of the following information as possible:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Company/School
  • Twitter Handle
  • Public LinkedIn Profile
  • Session Title
  • Abstract (a marketing pitch for the Summit catalog)
  • Session Proposal (how your session will work; what you plan to do)
  • Audience Skill Level (beginner / intermediate / advanced / all)
  • Audience Prerequisites
  • Session Keywords (i.e. training, adult learning, interactive, etc.)
  • Audience Keywords (i.e. Manager, Everyone)
  • Bio
  • Speaking Experience
  • Examples of Presentations (short descriptions of previous presentations)

Progressions are 20-minute small-group sessions with attendees able to switch and select two sessions (out of five choices) during a 45 minute time slot. These are quick and good for discussions, problem solving, and quick case studies (as examples). Generally the presenters also have handouts with quick tips or supporting material (to summarize the big points). Flipcharts are provided for progression sessions; projectors are not.

Don’t wait – let us hear from you right away. If you have questions or aren’t sure about your topic, please write to and ask us!

Our 2015 Summit Progression was a great success, so let’s do it again.

Happy Holidays,

Robert Hershenow and Mellissa Ruryk

IDL SIG Co-Managers

Recording of our 3rd annual Virtual Open House

Big thanks to all who attended tonight’s virtual open house.

The meeting was recorded so you can review it again or perhaps see the open house for the very first time.

Here is a link to the recording:

Feel free to pass this link on to anyone you think might be interested. Help us spread the IDL SIG love around!

Download the IDL SIG Virtual Open House 2015 slides as a pdf.

And don’t forget to visit our website for news and updates

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

October 14, 2015 BPMN Basics: What You Need to Know for Your Content Strategy by Dr. Jackie Damrau

Join us for the “BPMN Basics: What You Need to Know for Your Content Strategy” webinar with Dr. Jackie Damrau.
10:30 am Pacific / 11:30 am Mountain / 12:30 pm Central / 1:30 pm Eastern

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Register on Eventbrite.   eventbrite-142

About the webinar

It’s one thing to know content, it’s another to understand the business and how that content works within business processes. This session demonstrates how to model business processes, including documentation processes, using the BPMN 2.0 standard. Learning what a model, a process, and a process model are is critical to determining if a graphical model will represent your content better than traditional words. You’ll learn about different types of process models through a view into the world of graphically modeling your business process content.

Intended Audience

All Audiences. The content will be introductory (e.g., > “101 level”)

About the Speaker: Dr. Jackie Damrau

Dr. Jackie Damrau
Dr. Jackie Damrau

Dr. Jackie Damrau is a Sr. Business Systems Analyst at CBRE. In her role, Jackie models business processes and other department workgroup processes using BPMN modeling notation to use in gathering requirements for automating existing paper-based workflows as well as to help in improving processes. Jackie has more than 25 years of technical communication experience. She is a Fellow of the Society for Technical Communication (STC), member of the STC North Texas Lone Star chapter and the Instructional Design & Learning SIG, and the Book Review Editor for Technical Communication. Jackie’s past international positions have been as a SIG manager for the Instructional Design & Learning SIG; assistant SIG manager of the Management SIG; elected member of the Nominations Committee; and general manager of the STC International Summit Awards (2010–2012). Jackie enjoys spending time raising her grandkids and reading “books” when time permits. Find her on LinkedIn ( or on Twitter (@damrauja).
Register on Eventbrite.   eventbrite-142

September 17, 2015 How to Design Documentation with Users in Mind by David Dick

Sign up today and join the STC IDL SIG and the UUX SIG for “How to Design Documentation with Users in Mind” by David Dick on September 17, 2015.

10:30 am Pacific / 11:30 am Mountain / 12:30 pm Central / 1:30 pm Eastern

Register on Eventbrite.   eventbrite-142

About the webinar

How to Design Documentation with Users in Mind

We all have ideas about how something works; and we all have ideas about how something should work. These ideas are based on our previous experiences with the same or similar products. When products work the way users think they should work, they can successfully use them. When products do not work the way users think they should work, they get frustrated.

Cognitive psychology refers to the way we develop an understanding of how something works as a “mental model.” Mental models are a key concept in the development of user guides, tutorials, demonstrations, and user assistance.

This webinar teaches practical approaches to understanding user’s mental models, and the types of documentation we can use to help users develop an accurate understanding about the product, and how to use it successfully.

Intended audience: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, or All Audiences

All levels and all audiences, especially practitioners of instructional design, training documentation, user assistance, and user experience

About the speaker

David Dick

I am an STC Fellow, Manager of the Usability and User Experience SIG, member of the Washington, D.C. – Baltimore Chapter, and co-author of “Web Services, Service-Oriented Architectures, and Cloud Computing: the Savvy Manager’s Guide.” You can follow my musings about usability at

Register on Eventbrite.   eventbrite-142

Register for the Instructional Design Certificate Course by Saul Carliner

Saul Carliner, PhD, CTDP, Associate Professor of Educational Technology, Concordia University (Montreal) and Author, “Training Design Basics”
28 July–18 August 2015 (Tuesdays)
11:00 AM–12:30 PM EDT (GMT-4)

STC is offering an online Certificate course in Instructional Design, taught by Saul Carliner, PhD, CTDP.

For more information or to register, go to the STC website at