We need you, IDL SIG Members:
Our IDL SIG is a very special group of people within STC, consistently recognized as a fun community to belong to, as well as one that is beneficial to our careers. The old saying “you get out what you put in” is so true, but I would say you get back *more* than what you put in. Even the smaller volunteer tasks make our community more valuable to each of us. Invest a bit of your time and see!
The SIG has volunteer openings in the following areas. These tasks are listed with an estimated minimum time commitment. You can always do more, but we ask that if you step up, you commit to seeing the job through.
Talent Scout: Locates persons to present webinars on topics of interest to instructional designers, teachers, instructors, curriculum developers and others in our audience. Books dates, prepares Letters of Agreement (a form letter that outlines the terms and conditions for the presenter to be paid), and works closely with the Programs Team lead to set up webinars and ensure they run smoothly. We usually host 4 webinars a year (but more are possible) and it usually takes two or three emails per presenter to set everything up in advance– so be prepared to devote about 1 hour a week for a month per webinar. WIIFY*: You have an excuse to contact and form a relationship with anyone in the Tech Comm sphere of influence (asking them to present) and you get to attend the webinar for free! Plus, earn our undying gratitude.
Programs Team Lead: The Programs team lead attends a one-hour monthly meeting with the co-managers and other team leads, which includes reporting on actions, accomplishments, and current and future plans and needs. Works closely with the Talent Scout and Webmaster. Updates the SIG website with event details and sets up the event on EventBrite, which includes creating scheduled messages to attendees. Liaises with Treasurer to make sure presenter is paid. Attends the rehearsal and the webinar (for free, of course!). Keeps records of webinars for Community Achievement Award. Optionally (in conjunction with the Social Media team lead), tweets and posts about the webinar to advertise it. Supplies STC Notebook listing about upcoming events. This is a time-intensive volunteer position; expect to spend about 1-2 hours per week, year-round, on your volunteer activities. WIIFY*: another chance to practice your awesome time management skills, work with fun people, find out if you want to take on a more senior role in the SIG, possibly receive a stipend to help defray Summit attendance costs. Plus, earn our undying gratitude.
Content Curator: this is a new position, so you will have some license in working with the co-managers and other team leads to create the role. One of our responsibilities to the STC is to gather and pass along knowledge about instructional design. The content curator would keep current on the IDL SIG’s Mailman discussion list and other social media (such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook) to gather all input on a topic of discussion started by a SIG member, and refine it for publication on our website and newsletter, and then for submission to editors of the STC Body of Knowledge (TCBOK) database. Expect to spend up to several hours once a month, as topics arise that provoke discussion. WIIFY*: This could be an extremely interesting position for an academic who is pursuing a post-grad degree. You will be among the first to know of trending topics in our bailiwick. Plus! Earn our undying gratitude.
Member Liaison: Working closely with the Membership chair, profiles one member in our community per month by asking them to complete a questionnaire (which you would create, with help from the co-managers, membership team lead, and newsletter editor), for use on the SIG website/in the SIG newsletter. This could take 2 to 3 hours a month. WIIFY*: Best if you’re a real people-person with insatiable curiosity; you will learn more about our members and share that information to make our virtual community more warm and fuzzy.
***We always need people who will write and submit articles for our website and newsletter. Any topic of professional interest to our members, any time, virtually any length. Articles are submitted to the newsletter editor for editing and approval prior to publication. WIIFY*: You can say you’ve been published! List the articles in your resume! Possibly end up as a contributor to the STC BoK! And, earn our undying gratitude!***
Website volunteers: We need persons with a little experience in WordPress (or willing to be schooled – it’s not hard to learn) to take ownership of a specific page or section of the website and make sure content is updated, verified, and valuable. You could spend an hour to 5 hours a month on this. WIIFY*: Learn more about WordPress, help our members stay current by providing timely, accurate information. Wait! There’s more: earn our undying gratitude.
Educational Resources listings: We have the ability to list any number of Instructional Design and Learning courses, institutions, colleges, universities, and organizations that offer education or support for IDL members. Our Scholarship chair has already compiled a list of over 100 institutions and contact information. The volunteer would update our (WordPress) website with these resources using a form, and annually help update and verify the information. WIIFY*: Learn more about WordPress; provide a valuable service to members and possibly attract new members, helping us thrive. Plus, earn our undying gratitude.
Business Directory listings: We also have the ability to create a business directory of member Instructional designers who offer their services as contractors. The volunteer would create an email asking IDL SIG members if they wish to be listed, gathering the necessary information and company logos, and posting them on our (WordPress) website using a form. Annually, the volunteer would also verify that IDs whose businesses are listed are still IDL SIG members, or pay a fee to remain listed. WIIFY*: Learn more about WordPress; provide a valuable service to members, possibly attract new members (helping us thrive), and earn income for the SIG. And hey, you’d earn our undying gratitude.
Advertising Liaison: As above (Business Directory), but for advertisers. Update and maintain http://www.stcidlsig.org/discussion-lists/advertising-rates-policies/, and conduct a campaign to find advertisers (LMS providers, Madcap, Adobe, etc.) WIIFY*: Learn more about WordPress; provide a valuable service to members, possibly earn income for the SIG. Additionally, you just might earn our undying gratitude.
General Website Help: We need a volunteer (or four) who has done some work with WordPress to update several pages on the SIG website as outlined below. Each task is approximately one hour time commitment. WIIFY*: Learn more about WordPress, help our members stay current by providing timely, accurate information. Aaanddd: earn our undying gratitude.
Please send an email to manager@stcidlsig.org if you can help with any of these jobs.
sent gratefully,
Mellissa Ruryk & Robert Hershenow, co-managers
*WIIFY means What’s In It For You! (made you look!)