By Viqui Dill
The Dill family likes to celebrate the end of the year with music and parties. In addition to Thanksgiving and Christmas, the Dills have a couple of December birthdays. Their family band, the Dill Pickers, has a number of gigs and concerts. All this makes for a holiday season filled with music and celebration.
The season begins with Operation Turkey Sandwich in which our church, the exchange of Winchester, VA, assembles and distributes sack lunches on Thanksgiving day to members of the community who have to work on the holiday. We will visit gas stations, convenience stores, and such with sacks full of turkey sandwiches, pumpkin cookies, stuffing muffins, a sticker that says “It sucks you have to work on Thanksgiving”, and our thanks.
Viqui and son, Jim, are members of a community choir which joins over 100 voices from over a dozen churches in their home town of Winchester. The choir has a Christmas performance to raise money for a local ministry supporting those in need in the community. Most of us come from small churches and the opportunity to sing with such a large group is something to celebrate.
Another fun holiday event is the annual Beer and Carols event with the exchange. We gather at a local tavern, share beverages together and sing carols. Viqui brings her guitar and of course, the documentation (song lyrics).
This year, the Dill Pickers will celebrate two December birthdays at a family band gig. We’re playing on Jim’s official birthday, and celebrating Keith’s birthday too.
We invite you to join us if you’re in the Winchester area. Come share a sandwich, sing a song, and celebrate with us.