Jamye Sagan, IDL CoP Treasurer
We end 2020 on a healthy financial note – we were able to fund all of our activities, plus have some extra. As of December 26, we have a total of $656.66 in our account – $419.43 in our vested funds, and $237.23 in community funding. Vested funds can roll over each year, but any remaining community funding will be absorbed back into STC. Unlike chapters, communities of practice do not have standalone accounts. Instead, they have sub-accounts under the STC umbrella. Because we did not meet in person at Summit this year, we did not incur as many expenses such as door prizes and business lunch catering.
From September to December, we incurred the following expenses:
- Conference swag, especially mailable items
- Webinar stipends
- Door prizes for Virtual Open House and Demographic Survey
- Stipend for CoP logo redesign
As for income, we made a modest amount from our webinar net proceeds – about $15-25. These proceeds come from IDL non-members; members and students attend at no charge.
In conclusion, we are happy to announce that our 2021 budget has been approved! We take great care to ensure that our funds will benefit as many of our members as possible. Thank you for supporting us, whether by attending our webinars, reading/contributing to our newsletter, or perusing our website.
If you have any questions about SIG finances, please email me at treasurer@stcidlsig.org.