This is my last manager’s report for the IDL SIG. Destiny Dudley is preparing to take over SIG leadership in January. I am looking forward to backing up Destiny and the rest of the SIG leadership team in 2021.
For most of us, 2020 may be the worst year we have had to endure. So much turmoil and fear and hardship and sorrow outweigh whatever I might say to sum up this year. For me, the pandemic-imposed isolation was reduced through virtual webinars and meetings and Summit. Volunteering kept me busy and useful, distracting me from obsessing about the daily dose of depressing news.
Right now, the focus is on gathering contributions for the Student Outreach Essay competition. All technical communication educators, in or out the SIG, are called upon to encourage your technical communication students to share their best work in our essay competition. This is not limited to a single winner; we are happy to publish as much good work as is submitted. There is the additional award of a student membership in STC for each published. You can help your students start their professional portfolios through the Student Outreach opportunity.
Programming will continue to be a frequent benefit of SIG membership. Your suggestions for topics are always welcome. We will also rely on the results of the demographic survey to determine what programs to present in 2021. Think about presenting a webinar this year. You are an expert in some aspect of tech comm and there are others who would love to hear about it.
The strength of the SIG depends on its members’ willingness to participate, volunteer, to support the programs. Thank you for your contributions toward keeping the SIG strong. There are several open positions on the leadership team. You may be one of the people we need to fill a role. It is rewarding and satisfying and challenging and a lot of fun to be a volunteer for IDL. I strongly recommend that everyone try it.