Jamye Sagan, IDL SIG Treasurer
How much money do we have?
As of June 28, 2021, we have $991.92 in our account – $491.21 from community funding and $500.71 in our vested funds.
Since Quarter 1, we have incurred the following expenses: two speaker honoraria for our March 30 and May 20 webinars, two student STC memberships from our Student Outreach Article program, and Summit registration for our SIG Manager.
In the next few weeks, we plan to renew our Zoom and Survey Monkey subscriptions. We use Zoom to conduct our educational webinars, leadership meetings, and virtual social events. We use Survey Monkey for our demographic surveys and elections. Since we have a subscription, we’ve enabled other STC groups such as the Community Affairs Committee to host their recent tools survey.
Where do we get our funds?
Our primary source of income comes from community funding and vested funds. Community funding are funds we receive from the STC office, based on SIG membership numbers. We receive a certain dollar amount per member. Since these funds do not carry over from year to year, we must use them or forfeit them.
Vested funds are funds we have earned through the years. These funds can carry over year after year.
We constantly review our budget to see where we can save costs and, most importantly, how we can use our funds to best benefit you – our members.
We’d like to hear from you!
If you have any questions about SIG finances, please email me at treasurer@stcidlsig.org.