by Marcia Shannon
There are lots of ways to stay in touch with your SIG. Here are just a few.
The IDL SIG Leadership Team meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month to conduct the business of the SIG. Held via Adobe Connect, these meetings are open to all members. Catch up on the latest activities of the SIG and learn about plans for the future. Email invitations/reminders are sent before each meeting. Come to the monthly meeting: All members are welcome!
This has been a webinar-rich year. In October, Sylvia Miller hosted the Student Outreach Article Competition Q&A. November brought Robert Hershenow’s Get a Move On. Webinars are free to SIG members and recordings are available through the web site. Invite a non-member to a webinar (fees are usually minimal). It’s a good way to introduce the SIG to them and perhaps bring in a new member. Check the web site for future webinars and to access the archives. Suggestions for webinar topics and volunteer presenters are always welcome.
Did you know that our IDL SIG is well represented on social media? We have a Facebook page (Society for Technical Communication – Instructional Design and Learning), a LinkedIn group (STC Instructional Design and Learning SIG) and a Twitter handle (@ STC_IDL_SIG). Use these channels to stay informed, share your IDL news and views, and publicize your involvement at your local STC events.
Looking forward to “seeing” you in 2017!