by Jamye Sagan
As a virtual community, with all of our members scattered across the globe, we do not have the same opportunities as geographically-based communities to meet up face-to-face. Since 2013, we have hosted the IDL SIG Virtual Open House (VOH) so that new and prospective IDL SIG members could learn more about our community’s mission and goals, learn more about member benefits, and meet some of our leaders and volunteers.
During our VOH, participants have always had the opportunity to ask questions about the SIG and what we offer. This year, we’d like to try something new. We’d like to combine our VOH with a virtual party (VP), where we would encourage all attendees to share a photo or story. The VP (not be confused with Vice President!) we hope will add a very human, personal side to our VOH. Hey, it is all about making real, enduring connections!
We are still finalizing the date, but it will take place in early to mid-November. If you can’t attend in real-time, we will have a recording available, so you can watch and share with your instructional design and training colleagues and students.
We will provide more details about the VOH and our virtual party as November draws near.
Hope to see you there!