Shhh…  Librarian Goes Online with Live Polling

By Carrie M. Macfarlane, IDL SIG Member

As a librarian, I teach students how to do research. Like any good instructor, I always try to anticipate my students’ needs. What knowledge, skills, and beliefs will they carry with them when they walk in the door? What should they be able to do when they leave?

If you’re familiar with the librarian stereotype, you might be surprised to hear that once I’ve identified my students’ needs, I use technology to meet them. Yes, I love books and I wear glasses. The librarian stereotype definitely applies to me. But the stereotype needs to be updated, and I’m here to help. That cardigan-clad woman cradling an armful of old books? She likes technology!

In my previous essay about the librarian stereotype, I described how technology allows me to interact with students before a research workshop. Here, I’ll discuss how technology helps me to interact with students after a workshop begins. I learned this technique from a coworker–I’m far from the only librarian who teaches with technology! If you’re a technical trainer, you might want to adapt it to your workshops, too. Continue reading “Shhh…  Librarian Goes Online with Live Polling”

List of Degree or Certificate Programs in Instructional Design

By Sylvia Miller

Are you or a colleague contemplating a degree or certificate program in instructional design? If so, you should check out our webpage that provides a long list of such programs. Each program is linked directly to the institution’s website which contains details about the program. You’ll find a variety of titles for these programs, including educational technology, instructional technology, instructional systems technology, instructional design, and more. You’ll also find that some institutions offer online-only programs, while others provide only in-person degree or certificate programs, or a mixture of the two.

Sure, you could just search the web for “instructional design,” but your search results will include descriptions of universities that offer instructional design services for professors and staff who do not develop or maintain their own online courses. So, we hope you’ll check out our Education page at And if you know of an institution that should be added to the list, please email me at with the name of the institution and, if possible, a link to the webpage describing the program. Also notify me if you find a broken link. Meanwhile, enjoy!

November 13, 2017 IDL SIG Virtual Open House

Join the IDL SIG online for our Virtual Open House!

4:30 pm Pacific / 5:30 pm Mountain / 6:30 pm Central / 7:30 pm Eastern

Monday, November 13, 2017


Register on Eventbrite

As a virtual community, with all of our members scattered across the globe, we do not have the same opportunities as geographically-based communities to meet up face-to-face. Since 2013, we have hosted the IDL SIG Virtual Open House (VOH) so that new and prospective IDL SIG members could learn more about our community’s mission and goals, learn more about member benefits, and meet some of our leaders and volunteers.

During our VOH, participants have always had the opportunity to ask questions about the SIG and what we offer.

Virtual Party, too!

We’d like to combine our VOH with a virtual party (VP), where we would encourage all attendees to share a photo or story. The VP (not be confused with Vice President!) we hope will add a very human, personal side to our VOH. Hey, it is all about making real, enduring connections!

About the webinar

The webinar will be recorded so feel free to watch with us online and then rewatch at your leisure. No need to take notes. If you cannot attend, sign up anyway so that you will get a link to the recording.

See the 2016 VOH recording on YouTube.

See the 2015 VOH recording on YouTube.

See the 2014 VOH recording on Adobe Connect.


Register on Eventbrite

IDL SIG Virtual Open House November 16, 2016

IDL SIG Open House Nov 10, 2015

Students attend our webinars for free

Attention students and academic professionals!

The STC Instructional Design and Learning Special Interest Group proudly announces a new benefit for students who want to explore the world of technical instruction in electronic and traditional classroom settings.

Students can now attend our webinars for free.

Yep, that’s right. Students and academic professionals can now attend our webinars for free.

How do I qualify?

Students who register with a *.edu email address can attend for free. Explorers are welcome. You do not need to be enrolled in a tech comm or IDL program. As long as you’re a student and you’re curious, you are invited to join us.

Academic professionals, we want you, too. Whether you’re a professor, instructor, advisor, or campus butcher, baker, or candlestick maker, you are in touch with students exploring what they want to become. We want you to feel free to register for our webinars so that you can have answers when they have questions.

How do I register?

Register on Eventbrite and choose the free Students and academics ticket. All your registration information, as well as the link to the webinar before the session, will be sent to your *.edu email address.

Check out our upcoming webinars and register today.

Why are you doing this?

The SIG strives to promote sound design practices, provide information, and educate about instructional theory and research. We accomplish this mission by building internal and external partnerships, and by having activities that increase awareness about our field.

See our complete mission statement on our About page and join us online in our LinkedIn group, our Facebook page, our Instagram, on Twitter, and on Slack.

If you have more questions, contact our manager at

November 16, 2016 IDL SIG Virtual Open House

Join the IDL SIG online for our Virtual Open House!

5 pm Pacific / 6 pm Mountain / 7:00 pm Central / 8:00 pm Eastern

Wed, November 16, 2016

Watch the recording at

See the slides below or download the slides as pdf here or as a PowerPoint here.

Register on Eventbrite

As a virtual community, with all of our members scattered across the globe, we do not have the same opportunities as geographically-based communities to meet up face-to-face. Since 2013, we have hosted the IDL SIG Virtual Open House (VOH) so that new and prospective IDL SIG members could learn more about our community’s mission and goals, learn more about member benefits, and meet some of our leaders and volunteers.

During our VOH, participants have always had the opportunity to ask questions about the SIG and what we offer.

Virtual Party, too!

This year, we’d like to try something new. We’d like to combine our VOH with a virtual party (VP), where we would encourage all attendees to share a photo or story. The VP (not be confused with Vice President!) we hope will add a very human, personal side to our VOH. Hey, it is all about making real, enduring connections!

About the webinar

The webinar will be recorded so feel free to watch with us online and then rewatch at your leisure. No need to take notes. If you cannot attend, sign up anyway so that you will get a link to the recording.

See the 2015 VOH recording and slides on our website.

See the 2014 VOH recording on Adobe Connect.

Register on Eventbrite