By Edel Pace, IDL SIG Treasurer
During 2023, the Instructional Design and Learning (IDL) Special Interest Group (SIG) provided training and support to its members through consistent planning and use of funds provided through memberships and paid events. These efforts were possible thanks to the volunteers and help from the STC administration.
As of December 29, 2023, $ 505.60 of Vested Funds and $0.00 Community Funds are available. The Community Funds are used first because any remaining funds are absorbed back by STC administration, while the Vested Fund can be carried over year after year. The SIGs use this practice because they do not have stand-alone accounts like the Chapters. Instead, they have umbrella subaccounts under STC’s main accounts.
This year’s IDL-SIG events included monthly First Friday @ 5, an hour-long virtual gathering to discuss topics of interest for students and professionals alike and the Fall virtual events like the annual open house and Fall conference. In addition, the IDL-SIG continued a series of workshops with Jennifer Goode about ADDIE and the Website Makeover Sessions. Finally, the leadership and members gathered to participate in the STC Summit in Atlanta, GA.
The budget for 2024 was submitted and is awaiting approval by the STC Budget Committee. It included a similar engagement plan as in 2023. The programming for these events is done by volunteer members who meet monthly to prepare and organize the activities to ensure its members get the maximum benefit from their memberships.
A big thank-you to our members and participants who attended our webinars and online events, read/contributed to the newsletter, or perused the website.
If you have any questions about the IDL-SIG finances, please email me at treasurer.idlsig@stc,org.