By Marcia Shannon, Membership Manager
Another year is wrapping up, and another is opening. Did you end 2023 rushing to complete projects before that 12/31 deadline, or were you setting up new project plans for 2024? Most of us were probably juggling both goals and snatching some time to celebrate the holidays with our families and friends.
Our thanks to our returning members; we appreciate your support in choosing the IDL SIG as one of your communities. If you are new to the SIG, welcome and thank you. To get the most out of your membership, be sure to keep up with the activities calendar on the website. Participating in the First Fridays @ 5 social/educational virtual get-togethers is an easy first step to discovering more about this diverse community of instructional design and learning practitioners, educators, and students.
I am stepping away from membership manager in 2024. Beth Bailey will take on those duties. Beth is a seasoned member and volunteer for the IDL SIG, and the role is in good hands with her.
I will be coordinating our Student Article Competition. (If you haven’t already, read this year’s winning article!) I will contact our educator members and encourage our students to take advantage of our offer to publish your best work before you graduate. That puts an early professional credit on your resume. The student always retains copyright to the material submitted for the competition. I hope to see strong engagement from our student and educator members.
I wish everyone will enjoy a productive year in tech comm in 2024.