By Marcia Shannon
Did your 2018 start out frozen? It’s a relief to be out of the great USA Freeze! Spring brings fresh perspectives and a surge of energy. Here ways to get more involved with your SIG.
Volunteer. Being part of the team is a great way to expand your contacts and your knowledge. There are open positions available right now. Our co-manager, Lori, provides more details in her column.
Register for a free webinar. It is easy to find one that interests you through the email and website announcements.
Schedule time each week to check the website for new information.
Stay in touch via Twitter, Linked In, Facebook, and the STC Notebook. Links to these are on the website.
Seize the opportunity to share your talents and experience by hosting a webinar. Each of us knows something that will benefit someone else in the field.
Attend a virtual monthly meeting and get to know your leadership team. Fresh perspectives always strengthen our SIG and new voices increase the quality of our meetings.
Have you heard the phrase “Never party alone”? That is how I describe being part of the IDL SIG. Interacting with other tech commers renews my commitment to being the best I can be in my profession. Exchanging information within the tech comm community is a great way to “party” with friends who understand your circumstances and generously share their knowledge.